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Welcome to the ECHS English Department  

The teaching faculty of the English Department is excited to welcome you to a new year at East Central High School!  
Our mission is to teach interesting and meaningful lessons every day for all students. Our curriculum is designed to empower students to read critically, write compellingly, think logically, and solve problems creatively so that they can be successful adults.  
When students choose to attend college, enter the workforce, or enlist in the military, they will be ready with the essential knowledge and skills to excel in life.   
Please contact us for a course syllabus that provides details on our state standards, our tutoring hours, classroom policies, grading guidelines, etc.  
Students need four years of English coursework to graduate, so we ask for assistance to monitor your student’s grades and attendance. Progress reports are issued every three weeks and report cards are sent out at the end of the semester. Please review these formal notices for behavior reports and information about your student’s academic growth.  
We look forward to working with you and your student. Go Hornets!  